How to Pin A Post On Facebook?

There are numerous features and options available on Facebook to give your account a more personalized appearance. One such amazing feature available on Facebook is the option to pin a post on your Facebook account. A pinned post is basically a status update that you select manually to keep at the top of your Timeline. If you are not aware of this feature and wish to know how to pin your favorite post in your Facebook account, you can follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.

Guide to Pin a Post on Facebook

Before following the steps to pin a post in your Facebook account, it is suggested to know the following:

  1. A pinned post is present at the top of your Timeline in the left-hand side column.
  2. Only one post can be pinned at a time.
  3. When you pin a post on your timeline, it stays up there for 7 days. If you want you can unpin it anytime before the 7 days is up.
  4. In order to pin a post, you will need to click on the edit pencil icon located in the top-right corner of a status update. This will open a drop-down menu on your screen. Here, you will need to select the “Pin To Top” option.
  5. If you wish to unpin a post, you will need to click on the edit pencil icon located in the top-right corner of the pinned post. Then, you will be able to see the option to unpin the post from the drop-down menu.

Now, to know how to pin a post on Facebook, follow the below-mentioned steps:

NOTE: When pinning a post on your Facebook timeline, you’ll need to be an admin or editor. If you are ad admin or editor: you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account on a supported web browser.
  2. Next, you will need to go to the post on your Page’s timeline which you wish to pin.
  3. Then, you will need to click on the upper-right section of the post.
  4. After that, simply select Pin to Top of Page.

About Pinned Posts

Once you would have pinned a post on your Facebook timeline, the post will simply move to the top of your Page’s timeline. One thing that you must be aware of when pinning a post is that you will not be able to pin a post on your personal timeline.

So, these are the steps you will need to consider when looking to pin a post on your Facebook account.

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